Monday 3 December 2007

Project update

So... im not quite sure where to start with this post, its been quite a while since i last added anything and a lot has changed in that time. Most relevantly to this blog my group project is now fully underway and gathering pace. The project consist of creating a performance, as part of group, that has relevance to the module content.
I am a member of a group going under the name of Clan Vid, as you can see to the right of the screen you can see links to our blog and our very own You Tube channel. We are using our You Tube channel to track our progress via video diary's, which in themselves will contribute to our project as an aspect of our performance.
With tour performance well and truely in the pipeline it is time for this blog to change its direction, whilst it will still comment on the content of the coarse i am going to use it as a place to show my personnal research and oppinions of our work.
Please do follow the links to explore our plans and let me know your oppinions.
Peace out!

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