Wednesday 5 December 2007

Back to the group project

So back to my earlier post on the group project i will be under taking soon. Earlier in the term we looked at what makes a worthwhile performance and whilst everyone seemed to have an answer not very many of them seemed to agree. When i joined with Clem and Keenan to form Clan Vid this was the main issue of interest that we had covered in class. We came to the conclusion that the relevance of a performance was directly related to how effectively it reaches its target audience. So for example a piece aimed at children will be no good if it can only be accessed via a news site. and a news article for middle aged men wont achieve anything if it is posted on the CITV site.
For this reason we decided to create several pieces all of which are aimed at different audiences, the list of different styles and target audiences can be found on our group blog.

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