Thursday 17 January 2008

final piece

Here is the final product enjoy!

Wednesday 16 January 2008

Clan Vid

Here is a quick reminder to check out the clan vid blog and you tube channel as this political piece mainly works within the context of Clan Vid as a group of virtual performance artists. Check it via the links.


Here are the videos i will be taking clips from to generate answers for our fake interview.

Political Interview

So here is the final idea and the performance is going to be here soon. After much consideration i have decided that the performance will take the form of a mock interview with the conservative leader David Cameron. The final piece will be constructed of video clips taken from you tube of David Cameron mixed in with video of Clan Vid asking questions. We will use this technique to create a fake interview and fabricate answers to our questions giving a comical answer. I have decided to construct the performance in this way to raise the issue of how easy it is to create a political video with out having any substantial knowledge or factual backing. We also felt that this was a good way to generate material which could poke fun with out being overly offensive.

Wednesday 19 December 2007


So its got to a stage now when im in dire need of actually needing to put some of my ideas into action, however, as usual i have several other things that need to be completed within the same time scale. It is now, as im sure you are all well aware, getting very close to christmas and thankfully i have no more deadlines untill after new years. This does not mean that i have no work to be getting on with as in the first two weeks of January i have several deadlines including this one. With this in mind plus the fact that the members of Clanvid have gone to there respective families for this festive time means that it is difficult to achieve very much. With these limitations in mind i have decided to dedicate some time to researching political videos and accumulating a series of video clips from which i will hopefully be able to create a montage that i can combine with recordings of myself to create my final piece. The trouble i have found with this is choosing the form my piece will take and deciding on the target of my piece. Currently i am torn between two concepts and ideas, one being a brass eye style of performance in which i will directly attack and make allogations against a politician and/or a political party or a mock interview that uses clip me asking questions mixed in with video clips of politicians in order to create the answers. I will ponder this over the next few days and will report on my progress.

Wednesday 5 December 2007


So by now hopefully you will have had a chance to check out our group blog and you tube channel and will know that i am in charge of creating a politically charged performance. Here are just a few videos i will take inspiration from.

Back to the group project

So back to my earlier post on the group project i will be under taking soon. Earlier in the term we looked at what makes a worthwhile performance and whilst everyone seemed to have an answer not very many of them seemed to agree. When i joined with Clem and Keenan to form Clan Vid this was the main issue of interest that we had covered in class. We came to the conclusion that the relevance of a performance was directly related to how effectively it reaches its target audience. So for example a piece aimed at children will be no good if it can only be accessed via a news site. and a news article for middle aged men wont achieve anything if it is posted on the CITV site.
For this reason we decided to create several pieces all of which are aimed at different audiences, the list of different styles and target audiences can be found on our group blog.